Advent of Code 2016 - Day 8: Two-Factor Authentication

Adam Boucek
|June 26th 2023
Overview of the problem
My second AOC task is the day 8 from 2016. I try to display a specific
word on a 50x6px display.
The display shows two types of characters, #
and .
. I try to move the #
in the way it displays a word.
Like so:
At the front desk is cheatsheet how to find out the password.
rect AxB
turns on all of the pixels in a rectangle at the top-left of the screen which is A wide and B tall.rotate row y=A by B
shifts all of the pixels in row A (0 is the top row) right by B pixels. Pixels that would fall off the right end appear at the left end of the row.rotate column x=A by B
shifts all of the pixels in column A (0 is the left column) down by B pixels. Pixels that would fall off the bottom appear at the top of the column.
The document might look like this.
rect 9x1
rotate column x=7 by 1
rotate row y=1 by 3
The instructions tell us to shift the symbols in a way it creates a word.
The solution for the first and second part is very similar, so I combined them into one section.
Firstly, I created the needed grid based on the provided dimensions of 50x6. Every cell contains .
. I used the idiomatic approach to initialize a
nested list.
val lines = List(50) { '.' } val grid = List(6) { lines }
Secondly, I iterate through the instruction text file line by line. I prepare the instruction check if there are no extra spaces that might mess up the split function.
val line = it.trim() val words = line.split(" ")
Then I take the first word from the instruction array and decide if the program will to turn on the light in
provided dimensions or shift the symbols. I used Kotlin's native feature .first()
, which takes the first element of the
The first instruction with adding #
was pretty simple. I only needed to iterate the nested array by provided
However, I tried to use another idiomatic syntax like var (rangeY, rangeX) = words[1].split("x")
like destructing a
list, and for (y in 0 until rangeY.toInt() )
looping in a specific range. I am not sure whether this is the most
elegant solution.
if (words.first() == "rect") { val (rangeY, rangeX) = words[1].split("x") // destructing dimension for (y in 0 until rangeY.toInt()) { for (x in 0 until rangeX.toInt()) { grid[x][y] = '#' } } }
The second part was significantly more challenging. It started similarly by destructing the direction of shifting and the
number of the rows/columns. Again, the first part used .last()
for destructing the last instruction of the line
for variable by
The most crucial part was to figure out how to shift in a particular direction. For this part, I felt a bit hopeless
and had to google how to shift the whole array and persist its length. Looking at it now, I see it was pretty simple. We
store the column or row I want to shift and loop its length. I re-assign the lists' values with the old list by
taking its index, deducting how many points I want to shift it, adding the length and module the
length grid[x][line] = previous[(x - by + 6) % 6]
. It shifts [#,#,.,.,.,.,.,.]
by 4 to [.,.,.,.,#,#,.,.]
. In
this way, we shift the whole #
in a way we need.
Lastly, we need to know how many pixels are lit. We simply iterate through the grid and check which cells have the value #
var litPixels = 0 grid.forEach { line -> line.forEach { it -> if (it == '#') litPixels += 1 } }
The project took me two afternoons (~9 hours). Even though the code is shorter than the previous Advent of Code, I have to admit it was significantly more demanding. I tried to apply the idiomatic approach from the start, which would make my refactoring easier.
There are some parts I was not sure if I used Kotlin correctly, like on line
4 val grid = List(6) { lines.toMutableList() }.toMutableList()
. When I tried to make lines
mutable on the same line
with initialization, it didn't work then. Despite this little issue it still made my code easier than looping the array
by adding the #
Now, I understand that this kind of code challenge tests my knowledge of strings. Without operations like .split()
, .trim()
, .toInt()
, it would be tough to solve these tasks.